Monday, April 15, 2013

Tagged and mustached

Tagged and mustached
pattern making for fashion design
Image by congalaconga
First in portuguese, then in english for my non-brazilian friends understand. :)

Vai em português e inglês, de modo que meus amigos não brasileiros possam entender também.

XD My dear friend Gabi tagged me, so I'll have to honor her with some irrelevant stuff about my mustached self.
Minha querida amiga Gabi me tagueou, portanto devo honrá-la com 10 coisas irrelevantes sobre meu ser embigodado.

Tag game -> 1 foto sua + 10 coisas sobre você. Depois repasse a 10 amigos.
Tag game -> 1 picture of you + 10 things about you. Then you can tag 10 friends to keep on with the game if you want.

1. Tenho TDA (transtorno do déficit de atenção) e sofro muito com os sintomas, especialmente perfeccionismo, procrastinação, frustração por não conseguir fazer as 10 bilhões de coisas que penso em fazer ao mesmo tempo. Estou em tratamento, mas ainda há um longo caminho a percorrer, até eu estar no ponto de dominar o universo.
1. I have ADD (attention deficit disorder) and I suffer a lot with its symptoms, specially the perfectionism, procrastination and frustration for not handling the 10 billion things I think to do at the same time. I'm currently in treatment but there's still a long patch to run until the point where I can dominate the universe (be scared then).

2. Sou filha única. Quando criança queria ter irmãos, especialmente com quem compartilhar idéias, broncas e talvez uma roupa ou outra.
2. I'm the only child. When I was young I used to wish to have siblings, specially when I wanted to share ideas, clothes and parent's yells.

3. Amo quase tudo dos anos 50, especialmente música, moda e design.
3. I LOVE almost everything from the 50s, specially music, fashion and design.

4. Gosto de fazer as pessoas que gosto rirem, torná-las felizes por alguns momentos que seja, mas ultimamente tenho muita preguiça das pessoas. Não quero sair da minha toca, e isso é problemático.
4. I really enjoy making people I like to laugh and be happy for some moments if I can, but nowadays I'm too tired of people. I don't want to get out of my evil lair and that's a problem.

5. Gostaria muito de aprender fluentemente outros idiomas com a mesma facilidade e autonomia com que aprendi inglês. Comecei francês, mas tive preguiça. Pretendo retomar de onde parei e futuramente pensar em outros idiomas também.
5. I'd like to learn other languages (fluently) as easily and with the same autonomy as I learnt english. I started french classes but I was too lazy then. I want to go on with this purpose and learn other languages in the future too.

6. Em 2007 emagreci 25kg fazendo academia e mudando padrões de pensamento e comportamentos por livre e espontânea vontade. Persisti neste objetivo e consegui. Entretanto, com a morte de uma amiga de infância e outros eventos que me deixaram emocionalmente cagada, engordei tudo de novo e agora preciso retomar essa força de vontade e botar a vida nos eixos novamente.
6. In 2007 I got hid of 25kg going to the gym and changing mental patterns and behaviors with my own will. I persisted in this objective and was winning the game. But in the end of the year a friend of mine died, and following some unhappy events that destabilized me emotionally, I got my fat back again. Now I need to get that powerful self esteem and confidence back again to make my life go on decently one more time.

7. Sou aquariana com lua e sol em aquário e ascendente em libra. Ou seja, nada de elemento terra no meu mapa, por isso eu viajo tanto na maionese. Talvez. Será?
7. I'm aquarian with sun and moon in aquarius and more air elements on my map. That's why I live with my head on the stratosphere. Perhaps.

8. Quando criança eu amava os New Kids on the Block, que revezava com uma fita dos Beatles que eu adorava, embora não entendesse nada, e cantava tudo errado.
8. When I was a child I used to love New Kids on The Block (shame!) and only changed the tape for one of the Beatles. I still love Beatles today but back then I didn't understand what they said and sang everything wrong. lol

9. Amo e odeio chocolate. Gostaria de poder viver sem ele em paz, mas o vício é forte. Até sonho com chocolate quando tento parar. É pior que cigarro.
9. I love and hate chocolate. I'd like to live without it in peace with myself, but the addiction is sooo strong... I even dream with chocolate bars when I try to quit. It's worst than smoking.

10. Sou faixa vermelha em taekwondo, mas faz mais de um ano que não treino. Pretendo voltar assim que emagrecer o suficiente pra não sacrificar meus joelhos.
10. I'm a taekwondo red belt, but it's been more than a year I don't practice. I will be back to the classes as soon as I get hid of some excessive weight enough to make my knees safe to kick some asses again.

If you like it, just go on with the tag game and tell the world 10 random stuff about yourself. I'd love to hear from you! :)

Se gostou da brincadeira, também participe escrevendo 10 coisas aleatórias sobre você. Adoraria ver. :)

pattern making for fashion design
Image by London College of Fashion short courses
On our Bridalwear summer school you'll explore the specialist techniques you need to create contemporary bridalwear. You will begin by discussing current trends and with the guidance of the tutor, create a bodice design of your choice. By working from either a block or working on the stand you will complete a toile for a fitted bodice, refitting where necessary and then making up in your chosen fabric. You will move on to discuss skirt and dress patterns such as fishtail or bias cut before completing various toiles. During the course you will investigate different types of surface decoration such as lace, piping and bias frills as well as discussing veils and petticoats.

pattern making for fashion design
Image by London College of Fashion short courses
On our Bridalwear summer school you'll explore the specialist techniques you need to create contemporary bridalwear. You will begin by discussing current trends and with the guidance of the tutor, create a bodice design of your choice. By working from either a block or working on the stand you will complete a toile for a fitted bodice, refitting where necessary and then making up in your chosen fabric. You will move on to discuss skirt and dress patterns such as fishtail or bias cut before completing various toiles. During the course you will investigate different types of surface decoration such as lace, piping and bias frills as well as discussing veils and petticoats.

pattern making for fashion design
Image by London College of Fashion short courses
On our Bridalwear summer school you'll explore the specialist techniques you need to create contemporary bridalwear. You will begin by discussing current trends and with the guidance of the tutor, create a bodice design of your choice. By working from either a block or working on the stand you will complete a toile for a fitted bodice, refitting where necessary and then making up in your chosen fabric. You will move on to discuss skirt and dress patterns such as fishtail or bias cut before completing various toiles. During the course you will investigate different types of surface decoration such as lace, piping and bias frills as well as discussing veils and petticoats.

pattern making for fashion design
Image by Argus Collingwood
Argus-Eyed Totally Tintable Tantra MiNi&MiMi SweaterDress WinterTahoe COMBO
*AC420* Argus-Eyed Tantra MiNi&MiMi SweaterDress Winter Tahoe w/Flexi-ScarfPiece & Sculpti-TNeck & MiMi Skirt

Please checkout my other items to complete your look. Look your best while Fall and Winter make their yearly entrance ;-) These clothes are named for the weavings of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas and feature jeweled tones woven into a bold pattern.

Wear this to club, a ski lodge, to work or out on a Date for some fashion fun. Please checkout my other items. Most designers would charge you at least 5L for this type of design, I'm offering it for 9L as an introductory pricing so you can checkout my lines. If you need any help adjusting any of my items don't hestitate to contact me. I'm happy to help!

Mix and Match these items :-) This Mini&MiMi SweaterDress looks great on and comes copy/mod so you can tint it many colors, The new Skirt panel may also be modified & copied. To change size, just edit linked parts and stretch or shrink it. Make sure you have Stretch both sides & stretch textures checked in the edit box and make a backup copy before you change it;-)

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